"Le cauchemar de l'enfant" is a film animation that depicts a traumatic episode in which a child overhears a serious conversation between her parents behind a door. The growing plants serve as a metaphor for cancer spreading within the body.

The animation movie was projected during the theater piece “La Naissance des Flaques”, written and performed by Oyster Tea Party

Music composed by Marin Mehl

My Role

Concept / Illustration / Animation / Editing

  • Visualisation and concept art of a communicated idea
  • Creation of a timeline based on a sound recording
  • Drawing of all the movie’s elements
  • Character’s rigging
  • Characters and props animation
  • Video Editing


First draft

First silhouette’s draft

Character’s rigging (Duke Bassel 2 After Effect plugging)

Picture of the show

The Team

Mylène Ben Osman (Concept Artist, Animator, Illustrator, Video Editor)
Marin Mehl (Music Composition, Sound Design)
Oyster Tea Party (Writer, Performer)

Thank you to all the comedians, techniciens and artists behind the show


Mylène Ben Osman

is a Visual Artist & Game Designer based in Berlin, Germany.
Her work essentially focuses on illustration, environment art and the creation of psychological or conscious experiences. Themes such as mysteries of the mind and dark nature are often represented in her creations, conveying strong emotions to her audience.

Game design degree at the Berlin University of Europe Applied Sciences